Thank you, Switzerland! 

Відкриття Vdoma Nyon
Відкриття Vdoma Nyon
Відкриття Vdoma Nyon

All VDOMA took part in the preparing for carols .
The choir was singing, the craftswomen were making stars and other traditional props, but that was not enough for us:) we launched a mass production of «motankas» - Ukrainian guardian amulets - to give to the residents of Nyon during the procession.
It was our way of saying thank you to Switzerland and it’s people for the support to our country over the past two years.
The plan was to make 100 motankas, and both adults and children joined the craft team:) With conversations, singing and even dancing, in such a cosy atmosphere that we didn’t even notice that there were already much more than 100 motankas. But there was no stopping us :)
Along with each motanka, we gave flyers telling about Ukrainian Christmas traditions - 12 dishes, kutia, didukh, carols, a French translation of one of the most famous carol «Good evening to you» and an explanation of the meaning of the motanka.
That is, we did not just sing carols - we told stories about Ukraine, and motanka became a symbol of our gratitude and spirit of community.